There is a crack in everything – that is how the light gets through.
You will know how to do it and you will do it! Coaching is a partnership that helps you identify your goals and resources to grow into your best hopes. I work with solution-focused and systemic interventions that make you explore your best future and the current situation in a completely different way. You will get emotional support, constructive feedback and creative tools. My work is radically client-centered: I offer a tailored methodology for you to choose what suits you best. This way, you will find your own solution and commitment for progress.
- Fulfillment- You have been “kind of” dissatisfied lately? Together we’ll uncover your strengths, skills and successes. And we’ll explore dormant longings to unleash their hidden potentials.
- Self-Confidence – You want to show yourself in the best light? Together we’ll discover your path to confidence. Additionally, you’ll understand how to guide conversations in your favor.
- Making Sound Decisions – You are seeking clarity for path A or B? Together we’ll explore your best options and craft a vision that draws you forward. We’ll understand your emotions, activate your inner compass and foster your courage.
- New Role/Task/Project – A successful kick-start is important to you? We’ll draw a landscape for your success factors, team/project framework and network. And you’ll discover how to avoid potential pitfalls.
- Setting Boundaries – You have difficulties in sensing/expressing your needs and boundaries? We’ll foster your self-awareness and your communications skills. Conversely, you’ll learn how to process and grow with negative feedback or a “No” from others.
- Mastering Conflicts & Crisis – You are struggling with conflict or a crisis? You’ll find a safe space to get back on your feet again. And we’ll discover the potential for personal innovation – the hidden germ – that emerges from conflict or crisis.

Key to your world. Each of us holds a world of unique goals and paths. Yet, one thing is the same – we all carry the answers to our questions within ourselves.