COACHING MUNICH – About Marion Bischof
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to procure wood, assign tasks and divide up the work, but teach people to long for the vast, endless sea.
I will never forget this moment. I was 13 years old and facing a somewhat boring Saturday morning during puberty. So I browsed through the headlines of my parents’ newspaper. In the career section, my eyes fell on an article by Wolfgang Loos, who very intelligently and profoundly talked about the profession of a coach. I remember this one moment when the sky metaphorically opened up, became bright and clear and a voice inside me said: That’s what I want to do when I grow up! And then, I became a coach.
No, of course, it wasn’t like that. Next, life got in my way in form of very security-oriented parents – bank apprenticeship or law studies, those were the parental options. Obediently, I complied, studied law and often despaired at the structure and information overload. And yet, I continued. After my well-earned exams and a mind that had learned long breath and high analytical skills, I worked for 9 years as a business lawyer in various roles and industries.
But something was missing in all those years – I just couldn’t say what. The legal work simply took more and more of my energy and for some inexplicable reason, I became more and more nervous. My body revolted. Only my mind didn’t understand – with no other option in sight. Today I am grateful for my body speaking so loud. Without this, I wouldn’t have kept asking myself this one question: What do I really want in this life? What is my why?
And then, there it was again – the memory of my 13-year-old self, along with the clarity of that time. With more life experience, I felt that I had never been so clear again in all the years since. So I decided to trust my gut feeling this time. Against all the “ifs and buts”, “ups and downs” and over time, I grew into my why. And learned to trust that I don’t need to know every step of my path to get started. It is enough to see the big picture and take the next step. And the next. Because every cloud has a silver lining.