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Coaching competence for managers in Munich & online – in German and English

“It’s not about doing more. It’s about doing things from an altered state of mind

Coaching skills for clearity and connectedness

A manager with coaching skills focuses on areas like skill development, communication and motivation, supporting resource management and promoting talent and best hopes. As a manager with coaching competence, you see your employees from an appreciative, slightly distanced perspective. This allows you to hold back on judgments and offer different viewpoints by asking powerful questions. That way, employees gain own insights and deepen their reflective practice. Moreover, this coaching attitude creates sustainable ripple effects in your company’s culture by fostering self-leadership, creative problem-solving and team co-operation.

“What goes against the heart, the head does not accept” (Schopenhauer)

  • As a manager, you enjoy developing people and guiding them on their journey.
  • You understand the importance of building sustainable, trusting relationships in your work environment – wether with employees, peers or customers.
  • You are considering coaching training and would like to further develop your own leadership style.
  • You value mindful interactions with your employees and environment and manage people with different perspectives, embracing diversity.
  • At the same time, you remain focused on your company’s goals, leveraging your employees’ strengths and needs to benefit the business.

Munich Coaching School – get certified as an ICF Coach

In this program, I cooperate with Together with my colleagues, Claudia Amend and Sabine Freund, we train managers in coaching skills and approaches needed to accelerate employee development and achieve best results. Additionally, you can become certified as an ICF coach with the International Coaching Federation.

Group trainings for (project) managers, agile coaches, consultants and HR business partners

Module 1 Learning basic coaching skills 

• Assessing talents & strengths
• technique and effects of appreciative listening
• Powerful questions as a tool
• Psychological coaching models 1 (e.g. model for needs & communication)
• Self-clarification
• Practice & individual case studies

Module 2 Coaching as a leadership style

• Leadership models
• Coaching versus employee and (critical) feedback talks
• Differences between internal coach as manager and external coach
• Individual motivation and appreciation
• Psychological coaching models 2 (e.g. reference framework, driver dynamics)
• Self-management – consciously shifting from manager to coach role.
• Practice & individual case studies

Module 3 The manager as a teamcoach

• Team coaching (dialogical approaches)
• The systemic approach in teams
• Empowering empoyees to take an active role and the integration of different perspectives
• Agile decision-making tools
• Resolving conflicts
• Developing talents and strengths in teams
• Practice & individual case studies

The philosophy 

In this program, you’ll be given both, practical tools and theoretical models. You’ll have the opportunity to bring your own cases and gain practical experience as a coach, putting theory into practice. We emphasize a mindful attitude that follows a holistic approach. All you need is the willingness to self-reflect and the curiosity towards your peers.

The setting 

60 hours with two experienced trainers and coaches in groups of 6-8 participants. We offer the program offline in Munich or online, in German or English.

Open training for individual bookings & in-house training for corporate customers

Contact me for individual training bookings. I’d be happy to arrange special in-house trainings for corporate clients.

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Scope of the coaching program

Role clarity – Learn to distinguish when to act as a supportive coach and when to take the lead as a manager focusing on goals and feedback.

ConnectednessUse your connectedness to build stable relationships. Recognize true talents and needs, enabeling others to grow as individuals.

AgilityExplore coaching techniques that are relevant to your day to day management tasks, and apply them as flexible to lead your employees on an equal footing.